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Monday, March 14, 2011

IJP interview questions

My list is generic, you may add the technical question related to your work domain.
1. Tell me about yourself: This is the most common questions asked by interviewer be it IJP or general. I was asked this question by my manager even though he knew me for 3 years. The point here is not to know what you have already mentioned in your CV, but to know what you can deliver, what you can do that others cant. Clearly it is an icebreaker but make good use of it and create a nice first impression.
2. Why should I hire you: Next most asked question. Here you have the opportunity to sell yourself to the interviewer. Highlight the your best quality that makes you stand out in the crowd. This is a make or break question, make sure you prepare it well.
3. What are your Strengths: Again you have an opportunity here to showcase your best quality, make sure you choose a strength that suits the job you are applying for. For example, if it is a management position then tell them how good you are interacting with people and motivating them to perform their best. If it is a technical role then highlight your technical competence on the subject. Do back up with an example.
4. What are your weaknesses: Please do not mask this question, I mean hide a strength and potray it as a weakness, like "I tend to overwork and miss my lunch at times". I believe it shows a greater weakness here, 'Integrity'. Tell them about a genuine weakness and also explain what you are trying to do to overcome it. If you can give an example from your past where you have overcome a weakness then it would be fantastic.
5. What makes you angry or irritates you about your colleagues: This is a trick question. Best answer is to say 'nothing irritates you'. You should project yourself as a team player and should be able to work with all kinds of people.
6. Do you have any question for us: The last question from the interviewer. Do ask a relevant question do not let it go. As you are already working in this company and it is an IJP, safe question here would be to clarify the company's vision and future prospect. Don't ask something that you are supposed to know.

More questions upcoming.....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

See yourself in the new role

The key for qualifying for IJP is to see yourself in the new job role. If you have been a team member for long and now want to be a team leader, then first take up some responsibility of the team leader.
Generally this process should be a part of your personal development plan or PDP, that should be taken seriously months before even you know there might be an IJP. But let it not deter you now if you have not got any experience under your belt.
Make the most of it now, ask your manager to give you some of his responsibility, try to complete it and add a touch of your originality to it. This will not only get you recognition but spearhead you as the most eligible candidate for the IJP.
Mentor a new joiner and let everyone know about it. If you can show the improvement in the new joiner's performance then there is nothing like it.
Float an email to all and offer your expertise on any technical or non-technical issues. Take initiative.
Think like a manager, if you applying for a management role.
Always remember it is never too late for anything. Make the most out of the time between now and your IJP interview and you will never regret it.

How to Plan for an IJP

You know that a higher position is getting vacant and that you might be an eligible candidate for that position. Now what to do?
Get a copy of the job description, look for it in the ad or get it from someone doing the same job. Be very clear what is expected of you in this job. Evaluate your strength and weakness as per the job description and then back up everything with an example. For example, if the job description requires you to have knowledge of excel, then you can tell them about the reports you have created using excel, it can be small but can make an impression.
Keep the list ever handy (until your interview is over), improvise on it, see if you can do something before the interview to convert some weakness into strength. For example, if the job requires you to be involved in department level activity, then try to get involved in one, like join the environment club or CSR committee etc. It is better late than never.
Try to make a list of probable interview questions. Don't take it very lightly, you may be a top performer but your performance in the interview will count. I will include a list of probable questions in my blog later. But the questions will vary depending upon your organization and the function you are working for. Like, the question - Tell me about yourself? Is a general question and is the first thing you will be asked on any interview be it IJP when people already know you to a new job interview where no one knows you, this is the ice-breaker question. Then there may be question that strictly depends on the position you have applied for, for example a more technical question related to your job. Hence be prepared for both kind.
Once you have these ready you can have a fair idea where you stand in terms of getting the job. Now is the best time to apply for the said IJP.

Monday, March 7, 2011

IJP interviews

I have recently been through one of the most challenging phase of my life. My IJP interview. It was challenging because when you have been in a position for too long and it starts to stagnate, you feel doomed. Even though your situation is not as bad as it seems. You may be the most deserving candidate but the idea of competing in an open playing field with other employees who may or may not be as much a contributor as you can be nerve racking. What if someone else gets the change just because they have prepared well and you miss out.

To make sure I be the surest candidate for the IJP I had to make a plan. This started more than a month ago when I first heard that there is a likely position coming up. Hence first lesson is "PLAN" at the right moment and well in advance, anticipate it before others do and get a head start.

The second step was to understand what will be required of me? So "Understand the requirement" of your boss. Speak to those who are already doing the same job, learn what and how they do the job, see if you can learn some of their trades.

"Highlight yourself", this is the most important part. People may forget what 'big' you have done six month back but they will remember whatever small contribution you have made (apart from your normal job) recently. Be visible, do something new, something that catches others (most importantly your manager's) attention.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

being Human

The basic difference between us (Humans) and animals are vanishing day by day. When we see someone sick on the street, how many of us would go and help that person? After introspecting I found that honestly if I were there on the street I might as well follow the masses. Might as well give a cold shoulder, probably reasoning to myself that I am getting late for an appointment or office or have to reach home.If we all introspect honestly most of us would agree to what I said.
Is it because we are no more human?
Sometime it disgusts me to think that we human have just been a consumer and nothing more. People who actually who would have taken a different decision than me or for the matter of fact you, are a rare species now.
How many times have we seen a socially motivating movie or some really disturbing 'news' on TV, or read it on a newspaper, felt anger? Then that anger changes to helplessness and then to acceptance. How many of us have stood up to 'change'? 

Saturday, January 29, 2011


When was the last time you listened to your head rather than your heart? Hurt you were?
Its human to err, and human to listen to your heart. That is the root of all hurt we face. Who is to be blamed for our hurt? Its us right? But by not following our heart wont that make machine out of us?
 But this too much hurt makes us develop our own shell.
Is that good?
Yes and no.
Bad for me for sure.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Expectations are the biggest hindrance to happiness. Start from when we are just a tiny worm, we cry if our mother don't understand that we are hungry. Then we get sad when we do not get the gift we wanted. Girlfriend / boyfriend not understanding you. Not happy with someone getting the promotion. You name it and you will get an answer that each disappointment is born from our expectation not met.